Creating your own Spot Check

Customize checklists for your business

Dan Bishop avatar
Written by Dan Bishop
Updated over a week ago

After you've implemented basic guidelines for your business, you may want to create specific checklists for your own business. Here, we'll show you how you can do that with a Spot Check.

Start by selecting the "New Spot Check" button.

Next, choose to "Launch from a Blank Template".

Customizing Your Spot Check

First, add a title, and then you're ready to start creating your checklist. "Checklist Fields" are the building blocks of any checklist. Select "Add Checklist Field" to start.

You can edit a checklist field by selecting the edit icon.

This will bring up a modal allowing you to change the Checklist Field.

Tip: Format your checklist field in the form of a question and keep the questions short.

If you have more details that you need to include, consider adding Help Text.

Finally, Save the field.

As you add more fields, you may want to group fields to keep them organized. You can add Section Titles from the dropdown. In the example above, you can see "Stock Room" and "Kitchen" are two Section Titles in this checklist.

You can rearrange items by clicking and dragging on the selector handle to the right.

When you're at a good stopping point, you can select the "Save Form and Continue" button.

For your spot check settings, we recommend:

  • Selecting the "COVID-19" group

  • Adding yourself as the owner

  • Selecting "Enable Draft Mode"

  • Selecting "Enable Feedback"

Then "Create Audit" to finish and navigate back to the Spot Check.

Going Live with Your Spot Check

You can always go back and edit your Spot Check. You'll notice that you're in "Draft Mode" initially. This helps you play with and test your Spot Check without saving data. Once you feel comfortable collecting data, you can select the "Go Live" button.

After this point, any Spot Checks you or your team complete will be saved.

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